Cervin Nylon Stockings
First and foremost, those stockings look absolutely fabulous on the legs. It’s brand, to which I always return with the utmost pleasure!
General description
It is clear in photographs, which always capture what is the most beautiful in them. Sometimes when I look at the stockings in photographs, I have the feeling that I want to „touch them with my eyes”.
The images reveal their colour, but also transparency – so important with nylon stockings! Thanks to this, legs look as if covered by a mist. Despite this noticeable delicacy, I must admit that nylons from Cervin are very robust! They are definitely more durable than the stockings of a few other well-known brands. And most importantly, they do not get runs so easily!
You must remember that every nylon stockings are delicate and must be handled carefully if we want them to serve us well.
Sizing of the stockings
The size range offered by the manufacturer is so extended, that each of us can find the perfect one for herself. At times, we have as many as 8 different sizes to choose from. The nylon yarn of which they are made seems quite “stiff” if I can put it this way.
Because of this, the stockings do not stretch very much. It is important to remember this, when choosing a size!
However also because of that they like to wrinkle lovely, what would not go unnoticed by every nylon stockings enthusiast! I like their stiffness above all because the seam on the back of the stocking does not move on the leg while walking!
Of course, the stocking should be tensioned quite strongly, which is why it is important to choose their right size, but also to use a well-made garter belt. My size in Cervin is definitely 2. Although in some circumstances, size 3 is also okay, but in that case, I wear short strap garter belt to keep the stockings tensioned well.
Sound of nylon
Cervin nylon stockings have a quite „hard texture” so there is no sensation of them being very soft like, for example, with Gio Stockings or Secrets in Lace (more about them in other posts), which does not mean that they aren’t quite a pleasure to the touch! They definitely are! ? When rubbing legs against one another, we hear the characteristic rustling ? It’s the magic sound of nylon stockings!
Real nylon stockings do not stretch much! It is important to remember this, when choosing a size
They are produced and finished with the utmost care. After putting them on, we see beautiful shadows and effective shine in a bright room or in the sun. An interesting fact, one that also testifies to the highest quality of Cervin nylon stockings, is that so far I have never come across these stockings having a weaving mistake! The reinforced toe is shapely, and the interesting and unique heel finish allows you to immediately recognize them between stockings of other brands (see photo details).
Variety of choice
We can choose from many colour combinations in various models suitable for all occasions, during which your legs adorned in them will look exceptionally dazzling. Both RHT and FF stockings are available as well as some with wonderful lace finished welts.
Is there anything wrong?
Perhaps the only disadvantage I have noticed is that stockings in dark colours dye when washing or putting them on the legs! Popular models sell like the proverbial hot cakes so some waiting time is required to get your Cervin nylons.
However, your patience will be rewarded upon your first contact with these beautiful stockings! They are surely one of my favourites!
Click links below to see Cervin Nylon Stockings galeries:
As always i love your photo’s, even more now since ive spent the last 12 days heading south down the east coast of the U.S. in a sail boat. Thanks for all your perfect photo’s.. and great stories.
Hello Sailor!
Thanks a lot for your comment and kind words. Be safe out there at sea.
There is something beyond sexy about Cervin stockings! The sheen, the intoxicating sound when they rub together….and the feel….love to touch!
We almost agree with you 🙂 There is something beyond sexy and elegant about women wearing any genuine nylon stockings.
Dear Nylona
That could say more than the others have already says ! , a single word that comes to my mind when i ask theses few words: RADIANT,
Yes you are radiant in the brain, brand that i know very well being originally from France and one of my favourite brands. The way you present them is absolutely simplistic and charming, and the temptation model will delight you.You know, i always had a strange relation with this pair of stockings. When i wear them, at the end of the second time, they always spin on the right leg
despite a very neat manicure and inpeccable legs.
It is to believe that the temptation are not made for me!!
I kiss you tenderly, and thank you for existing
love.. Cynthia
Hello Cynthia,
Sorry for such a delay in reply! Thank you very much for your comment and all the kind words! We are quite surprised of what had happened to you with Cervin stockings. We never experienced that, and actually as Mrs NN stated in her article they usually appear to be much more durable then nylon stockings of another brand. Hopefully it is not going to happen again and you’ll wear your stockings with pleasure undisturbed by spins of any kind.
Dear Mr & Mrs Nylonova!
I love your website and I love your superb images! My views on Cervin stockings are pretty much the same as yours – the fact that sometimes they are out of stock of certain lines and occasionally dye retention can be a bit ‘erratic’ is actually a good thing because it shows they are using old traditional manufacturing techniques and not compromising by going for cheaper mass-production. More power to Cervin! Regards, Emma x
Hello Emma,
Please accept our sincere apology regarding such a delay in replay. We do it all of this in our time off, then simply it takes time to process everything. We like your opinion regarding Cervin stockings – it definitely does make a difference to deal with genuine nylon stockings.
Cervin FF stockings are so exquisite. It’s sad to visit their site and discover they are out of sizes for so many stockings. I assume this is because of COVID-19. It also appears to be the case with Gio.
Hello John,
Covid restrictions might have definitely affect shops stocks, but there is also possibility that nylon stockings in general getting more and more popular, so manufacturers simply don’t handle product demand any more.
Great woman !
Great legs !
Great photos !
Most fortunate man on earth !
Thanks for sharing !
Hello Gerard,
Thanks a lot for your comment and all the compliments. From both of us.
Dear Nylonova, in this review you announce a review of Secrets in Lace stockings. I’m very curious for your experiences, as they are my favorite brand. They have so many styles and colors and they look gorgeous. Or so I’m told 🙂
Dear NyloNova, I was always fan of nylon stockings and pantyhose. I like to see when woman wear it, they look much attractive and sexy. Your legs is very beautiful. Thanks you shared all this pictures and videos. ??
Hi Mario,
You are welcome and thank you for your comment and all kind compliments!